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rop makes Spaniards jolly, relaxed folk, ready to give a helping hand to their visitors. part time jobBetween finding people to help them and deciding on the right ones for the job, Jim and Mary visited local libraries in search of inspiration to decorate their old villa. Wallpaper, drapes, furniture, floor tiles, roof, plants, cutlery協inding the right balance between classic Spanish dor that would appeal to the modern-day part time jobvacationer was a balancing act, but probably the most inspiring part of the project. The couple dived into the marvels of 19th Century Spanish life, in the part time jobhope of discovering all they could about the villa original look. Who would have lived in such a grand villa? After a year of construction and planning, Jim part time joband Mary were finally ready to open the doors of their ancient villa to new clients. Advertising through international tourist offices and travel agents soon part time jobbrought their first visitors to the doorstep of the villa and, to date, the villa captured the hearts of all who stayed. Some would visit for only a few days, part time jobbasking in the quiet, relaxing ambiance of the place if only for a few days. But other, like them, would decide never to leave again. Author’s Resource BoxSpain is Relajacion.Article part time jobSpirit Of The Blackthorn Tree Author : Peter Boxall Submitted : 2009-08-24 01:11:05Word Count : 1576Popularity: 57 Tags: self help, motivation, part time jobceltic gifts, the ancient celts Author RSS Feed From the earliest times our Celtic and Druid ancestors from Iron Age times and probably before, the countryside in which they lived was the centre of their universe. It was full of meaning and wisdom. The trees were particularly important in the role each should part time jobplay in their lives. We can once again use this ancient wisdom, along the part the trees played in the seasons of the year, and the time of birth and death in their lunar months. One of the trees that had great powers in their world was the part time jobBlackthorn.It was firstly symbolic of its bright white blossom in the early spring. A coming out into the white pure light, shown by the brightness of its flowers appearing out of the darkness of the winter, like our ancestors we can see this time part time jobof blossom as time of coming out of a black period, a time of darkness, of death, and a new awakening. A time of a stirring of positivity within one抯 self and a time of emergence from the long dark times of winter, a dark place, time of difficulty, a depressing time. Let the blossom be your light at the end of the dark part time jobtunnel.As the first green shoots of the early leaves start to appear, so our first creative signs will start to appear, nourish them and let them open out as the leaves of the Blackthorn open out in nature.The Black thorn is the Tree of Strength and Perseverance, so strong and resilient is its wood to the weather, the cutting of its branches for staffs and also for the shillelagh, it is hard wood and, grows back very quickly and stronger, and can grow where many other trees cannot. Let the Blackthorn be your strength, your perseverance, use it as your staff, as did Joseph of Arimathea when he arrived in Glastonbury and planted his staff which took root and blossomed. Let you creative thoughts planted blossom and come forth in positivity.On your path there will still be trials and tribulations, but new growth of your strength will see you through, with the help of you staff and perseverance. The Blackthorn as it name implies, is a thorny tree, this is for its protection and it also protect all who use this protection for the safety of their nests, their homes, and in caterpillars, their metamorphosis into beautiful butterflies, and in this way the Blackthorn will protect you in your infancy of your new found creativity, and during your metamorphosis into the wonderful being you are, so that you may bask in the warm rays of the sun in harmony with mother nature.The Celtic other use for the Staff or walking stick or Shillelagh was as a Cudgel combining supportiveness and a way of fending off people in self defence, this you can remember when anybody tries to beat you down or suppress those new creative thoughts and aspirations, a the Blackthorn also is sin ominous with standing up for ones rights, assertiveness and obstinacy, which is not a bad thing in rebuilding ones life.The Celtic People also believed that the thorns on the tree provided protection for Ghosts, particularly in Ireland, so the tree can also protect you for your ghosts, and lay them to rest.In Irish stories Blackthorn could be used in spells of protection, heroes were aided, if they threw a twig of Blackthorn afternoon, it would take root and form an impenetrable hedge or woods, thwarting the pursuing giant, in the same way the blackthorn can protect you by putting an impenetrable barrier between your new beginnings and that was behind you.In England Witches would carve the Norse Rune Thorn on a Blackthorn Stave for protection Aut