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rding to the IMF, Asia’s economy will make up more than a third of world output and art gallery hong kongwill be 50% larger in five years time. To quote Mr. Dominique Strauss- Kahn, Managing Director of IMF, “Asia’s time has come. No one can doubt that art gallery hong kongAsia’s economic performance will continue to grow in importance.” Given that Asia could very well become the world’s largest economic region in due art gallery hong kongcourse, businesses are flocking to Asia especially to business friendly jurisdictions such as Hong Kong. All in all, we can reasonably expect a continued demand art gallery hong kongfor company registration in Hong Kong in the years to come.  Author’s Resource Box Thinking of doing business in Hong Kong? Learn more about art gallery hong kongHong Kong Business Registration. Visit http://www.guidemehongkong.comArticleNational Gallery Drops Renaissance Painting, Splitting It In Two   Author : ahn chilhyun Submitted : 2008-07-30 00:00:00    Word Count : 404    Popularity:   27 Tags:   art gallery hong kongbusiness   Author RSS Feed keyword: 500-year-old panel painting  Sainsbury Wing exhibition  National Gallery  UK museums   The Art Newspaper can reveal that a 500-year-old panel painting by Domenico Beccafumi of Marcia was broken in half, in one of the most serious handling accidents known to have occurred in a UK museum in living memory. This happened during deinstallation of the “Renaissance art gallery hong kongSiena” exhibition, which closed on 13 January. Gallery director Dr Nicholas Penny, who took over in February, admitted that the accident was “extremely serious”.  Marcia was being removed from the wall in the Sainsbury Wing exhibition galleries when it slipped out of its temporary frame and dropped to the ground. The panel is composed of three vertical planks, each nearly one metre high, and the impact meant that art gallery hong kongthe left plank broke completely away from the other two.  Although conservation at the National Gallery is normally only done after approval of the trustees, remedial work was deemed urgent, in order to avoid further damage. Chairman Peter Scott was immediately informed and gave his authorisation.  The two sections were fixed back art gallery hong kongtogether and loose paint was stabilised. Inevitably, there were paint losses where the planks had parted, and these appear to have extended for up to a art gallery hong kongcentimetre around the area of the vertical break. This area was retouched.  The head of conservation, Martin Wyld, who was then also acting gallery director, immediately commissioned an audit report, to investigate the cause of the accident and recommend changes to guard against future incidents. The inquiry has been lengthy, but is nearing conclusion.  Although UK museums have not always been open about accidents in the past, the National Gallery is acknowledging the seriousness of what occurred. The art gallery hong kongincident was briefly reported in the minutes of the 8 February meeting of the gallery trustees, which has just been put on its website. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport was also promptly informed about the damage.  Initial indications suggest that the accident occurred partly because the art handlers involved in the deinstallation had not been properly informed that the frame in which the panel was art gallery hong kongdisplayed was essentially a visual device, and Marcia had not been securely affixed to it. However, the frame and fixtures should obviously still have been closely inspected before deinstallation was begun. Author’s Resource BoxInitial indications suggest that the accident occurred partly because the art handlers involved in the deinstallation had not been properly informed that the frame in which the panel was displayed was essentially a visual device, and Marcia had not been securely affixed to it. However, the frame and fixtures should obviously still have been closely inspected before deinstallation was begun.Article art gallery hong kongNew Years Eve – Get Complete Information About New Year Eve Party Around The World   Author : kundan singh Submitted : 2008-11-04 00:00:00    Word Count : 669    Popularity:   19 Tags:   New Year Eve, New Year party, new year 2009, New Years Eve, New Year gifts, New Year cruise   Author RSS Feed New Year Eve is celebration time all over the world. The whole world celebrates the New Year Eve with lot of gaiety and pomp. The excitement gathers momentum as the clock nears twelve…. a very exciting mood and tempo set your adrenaline gushing and people have a blast of time.  Times Square If you want to experience the real fun, then head for the most sought out place on the earth which is at the Times Square, New York. The Times Square is just throbbing with excitement and activity. There are star studded musical performances, balloons, pom-poms and colorful firecrackers. The most awaited moment is the famous Times Square Ball Drop. This crystal and electric light ball is rested atop the One Times Square building which is lowered as the time nears the beginning of the New Year. A series of glitzy events and sparkling stars add the extra gleam to the New Year Eve celebrations.  Sydney  Sydney for a change has pleasant weather over the new year eve and most of the people are outdoors celebra