
Loan  White “in the mirror, I perused this is a kind stranger ah that behind the bladder dream life was actually this devastated desolate” Of course in the review of their own “dream life”, while Feng Wang did not forget his “reflection” role he with the song “presence” in a shouting after the “-” coins “Wang Feng took the violin from assistant hands,” I rub rosin, “he kept repeating in rehearsals he is absolutely the core of his hand around a person HLoane needs to know what cups, guitars, musical scores like nursing aides to doctors scalpel-like precision to deliver these things handed Wang Feng in the hands of their facial expressions are carefully pulled him a few bars of melody “One month is not pulled and his mother spent the “finish himself laughed at singing and he was ready to” fly higher “There antithesis emotional relationship buLoant more self some” How many times have lost their way and how many times shattered dream and now I no longer feel confused me To get the liberation of my life, “he sings of the Chinese draft style year rise in among a group of ultra-fast men and women bespectacled orphan Loan mainstream rock on stage two albums from the beginning seems to have begun to find Wang Feng own can be accepted by the public representative paradigm He also began gradually and most important group of his future audiences – China’s nascent middle class – people try to butt Department of Sociology, University wrote a paper Chinese middle class was a drastic change social structures “birth” middle class out of a group that produces under conditions of time and space mayLoan have under different from Western capitalism middle-class character and the social function of contemporary China’s “middle class” has a strong The “emergent” nature: while they continue in the pre-reform Chinese society on the other hand in the process of social transformation based CLoanhinese special emergent out in transition and accumulated wealth of the Chinese middle actually to some extent is a group of “pseudo-middle class,” the crowd they lack the capacity for self-reflection and critical spirit too insecure future of some waves in the hollow between the two poles of the local tyrants and the poor people need to look back at his past began to sing but it is not making money from an early age to start learning Wang Feng violin after graduatioLoann to enter the National Ballet of young, but the young man was a valued leader Luo and addicted to Bob Dylan • unwilling to give in an institution where the “Red Detachment of Women” accompLoananiment He looked older than he ten year-old musicians rehearse apart is finished playing mahjong to the cafeteria Dafan home he felt fear and disgust wrote a song called “Li Jianguo” “He has a good, steady job, he has a good happy life, he loves to wear fashionable bargains like to see the seven o’clock news broadcast, “he wrote in the song, if not resign today’s Wang Feng is a” Li JianLoanguo “a bulging beer belly, wearing high hyperopia mirror of middle-aged men would not look to see Zhang Ziyi So like him, like his predecessors, he left the band Cui Jian is actually the sea are also considered trendy or behavior that year woLoanund up Wang Feng Bao Street No. 43 frontman has published two albums title song was widely sung but each album to actual income they bring everyone assigned to more than three thousand dollars. “This must be the wrong music system must have a problem.” Years later, Loanwhen Wang Feng Wang Feng said that the establishment of the band and the band Tang Dynasty Panther band [microblogging] the just the rise of Chinese rock boom suddenly hot rock, but soon the arrival of frost on a few small bands have had to go underground rock stars love to be thrown in the air